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The Executive of the Club have decided to cancel the 2018 flight, and give the organizers a break. The club hopes to get back in the air in 2019. Deposits will be returned to the members who have signed up.


This will be my last year as President. On behalf of Lois and myself it has been a great pleasure working with the Century Flight Club, and we wish everyone the best. - President Jim Moffatt

Members Only Page

For all the latest updates and important news on our upcoming flights.


Take a look at what's instore for

our cross-country flight!


“Thanks to all the executive for another great trip, you have made our flying experience even better, taking us safely and confidently to places we would not venture on our own. Looking forward to next year.”

- Wayne & Carol

The Century Flight Club

The Century Flight Club formed in 2009 on the 100th Anniversary of Flight in Canada. The club's mandate was unique: to immerse a private pilot in aviation for a solid week with the goal to develop a better and safer pilot.


The club's first official function in 2009 was sponsoring the largest cross-Canada flight in the country. Since then, more than 1000 pilots and crew members have participated in our annual events. Besides learning, our events are also great fun - almost like a summer camp for "adults with planes!" 

Now, every year, an annual 6 day convention has become the centerpiece of the club. The most recent 2017 flight took place in Beautiful British Columbia, and this year we will be heading off to Oshkosh 2018!

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