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Learn about the history and founder of Century Flight

About the Club

The Century Flight Club was formed in 2009 on the 100th Anniversary of Flight in Canada. The Club's mandate was unique: to immerse a private pilot in aviation for a solid week with the goal to develop a better and safer pilot.


The Club's first official function in 2009 was sponsoring the largest cross-Canada flight in the country. More than 100 aircraft flew from Vancouver, British Columbia to Baddeck, Nova Scotia. 


Since then, more than 1000 pilots and crew members have participated in our annual events. That's because our pilots soon discovred that besides learning, our events were also great fun! Almost like a summer camp for "adults with airplanes!" Now, every year, an annual 6 day convention has become the centrepiece of the Club.


Each year, these events are sold out with registrations kept to 100 aircraft. Today, the Club has over 4000 members nationwide, making the Century Flight Club of Canada, we believe, to be the fastest growing aviation organization in the nation.


But the Club is much more. In our 2014 BC Discovery Tour flight, we expanded our reach into the United states to introduce our neighbours to the joys of flight in our wilderness areas. We are now working on an active membership rewards program which will offer huge discounts on aircraft insurance. 

About John Lovelace, Chairman

The Club was founded by John Lovelace, one of Canada's best known pilots. John hosted the television show "Wings Over Canada" for 12 years, which ran with 56 broadcasters worldwide. During filming John criss-crossed Canada in a light aircraft more than a dozen times and visited over 275 locations nationwide. Recently, John created and produced the Aviators TV series for PBS. He is a former bush pilot with 30 years experience flying floats in Northern Canada.


John is a recipient of the President's Award for COPA, the B.C. Aviation Silver Wings, and a recipient of the Award of Merit from the RCMP for his work on the Airport Watch Initiative. He is also the winner of the Business Man of the Year Award and a past President of the Kingston Flying Club, Canada's oldest flying club.  

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