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Century Flight Club Testimonials


The experience of flying with the Century Flight Club is irreplaceable, take a look at what some of our members had to say about their time with us...

What an adventure we had...


"We had a great time and now we know that we can fly anywhere with a bit of planning. This trip was just a collection of 18 cross country flights of between two and three hours but what an adventure we had." - Harrie Jones, 2016 Midnight Sun Challenge (click here to read more about Harrie's adventure!)

To places we would not venture on our own...


"Thanks to all the executive for another great trip, you have made our flying experience even better, taking us safely and confidently to places we would not venture on our own. Looking forward to next year." - Wayne & Carol, 2015 National Capital Discovery Tour

Great Destination!


"Ottawa - great destination! Wonderful support from the Rockcliffe Flying Club. And nice to see so many CFC friends once again." - Chris Moon, 2015 National Capital Discovery Tour

This year... has outdone all previous years...


"This year, we believe, has outdone all previous years in that the beautiful West Coast with all its numerous island destinations, made it possible to experience whatever kind of flying one could desire (including mastering a float plane!)." -2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

A spectacular trip...


"This was really a spectacular trip for me! It was great to meet such a fantastic group of pilots and see the mountains again from a bird’s eye view. The organization of everything was very smooth and your whole team deserves another big round of applause!" -2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

Any pilot could hope for...


"It is a pleasure to belong to the Century Flight Club and partake of all the events that any pilot could hope for!"-2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

Everyone was so friendly...


"Everyone was so friendly and helpful in Nanaimo, and the organizers also deserve a special citation!!"

-2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

The support of John Lovelace and his crew...


" I would never have made this trip over the Rockies without the support of John Lovelace and his crew."

-2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

A great group of friends and acquaintences...


"Far surpassed any previous flight I've been on!! The locale was mind blowing and the group is such a great group of friends and acquaintances. A great fraternity!"

-2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

Lots of fun flying...


"Great job this year, great venue choice, lots of fun flying - could have spent 2 weeks down there!"

-2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

Everything was very professionally organized...


"Joyce and I thoroughly enjoyed our entire trip with the Century Flying Club. Everything was very professionally organized from the party in Swift Current to the closing banquet in Nanaimo."

-2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

The mountain flying course made the trip...


"Being a relatively new pilot I was a bit apprehensive about flying through the mountains for the first time, but the professional advise with the mountain flying course made the trip absolutely spectacular."

-2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

It was a special treat...


"It was a special treat to meet and have dinner with you (John Lovelace) having watched you in countless episodes of Wings Over Canada."

-2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

The focus of our annual family vacation...


"Great food on Thursday night. We're thoroughly enjoying making Century Flight the focus of our annual family vacation."

-2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

Thanks John...


"Thanks John and the rest of the committee for another great flight event."

-2014 BC Discovery Tour Flight

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